Environmental compliance services for infrastructure management plans
Water supply planning through Urban Water Management Plans, Groundwater Management Plans,
and Water Supply Assessments for SB610 and 221
Water quality compliance services including Municipal Storm-Water Management Plans,
Construction Storm-Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Monitoring and Reporting Plans,
and Quality Assurance Project Plans
Hydrologic and water quality studies for site and landscaped-level planning
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permitting and preparation
of Water Discharge Requirements
Watershed assessment and planning using Geographic Information Systems
Agricultural support services, including preparation of comprehensive nutrient
management plans and soils
Conceptual, Construction, and Presentation Drawings
Golf Course Mitigation
Habitat Maintenance/Management
Native Landscape Design, Maintenance, and Success Monitoring
Park and Open Space Planning
Plant Material Specifications
Residential Development Mitigation
Re-vegetation, Mitigation, Restoration, and Enhancement Plans
Soil Amendments and Preparation Specifications
Urban Forestry Design and Planning
Wildlife Management
CDFG Section 1601/1603 Agreements
RWQCB Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
Special Area Management Plans
USACE Section 404 Nationwide Permit Applications
USACE Section 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analyses
USFWS Sections 7 and 10 Endangered
Species Consultation
Wetland Delineations/Permitting
Integrated Waste Management Plans
Biological Assessments
Construction Mitigation
Endangered Species Surveys
Habitat Characterizations, Mapping, and Impact Analyses
Habitat Conservation Plans
Mitigation and Restoration Plans
Mitigation Monitoring
Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plans
Nesting Bird Surveys
Resource Management Plans
Sensitive Species Investigations
Special-Status Species Surveys
Wetlands Delineation Permitting
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
Phase II Subsurface Investigations
Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS)
Records Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA)
Compliance Audits
Consulting Reviews
Agency Reports
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Limited / Modified Environmental Reports
Soil, Soil-Vapor, Indoor Air and Groundwater Investigations
Monitoring Well Installation, Gauging and Sampling
Risk Assessments
Remediate Design, Installation, and Operations Maintenance
Groundwater Monitoring and Treatment
Site and Facility Closures RCRA and Non-RCRA
Geological Inspections and Soil Studies
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)
Permitting, Installation and Removal
Installation of Soil and Groundwater Remedial Systems
Regulatory Assistance and Liaison Services
Consulting Reviews
UST Cleanup Fund
Litigation Witness Support
Asbestos and Lead Surveys
Mold and Moisture Intrusion Surveys
Radon Assessments
Operations and Maintenance Plans (O&M)
Moisture Management Plans (MMP)
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Material Sampling & Abatement Supervision
Geotechnical and Geologic Field Explorations
Static Settlement Analysis
Shrinkage and Subsidence Analysis
Foundation Design & Recommendations
Deep Foundation System Analysis
Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis
Ground Motion Response Spectra
Ground Water Analysis (Historical Highest Level)
Seismic Risk Analysis
Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Liquefaction and Seismic Settlement Analysis
Fault Hazard Evaluation
Landslide Mitigation, Geologic Hazard Evaluation
Slope Stability Investigations and Analysis
Seismic Deformation Analysis of Slopes
Ground Improvement design
Instrumentation and Monitoring
Comprehensive Geotechnical Engineering (Soils) Reports
Form fillings 7460-a. 7460-s, 7460-2 part 2
Search Area Ring (SAR) Analysis
Follow up Search Area ring (SAR) Analysis
Site Specific Evaluation
Preliminary Screening
AM Screening
Opinion Letter
State filings
Tracking Service
Expert witness
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analyses
CEQA/NEPA Documentation
Climate Action Plans
Due Diligence Assessments
Opportunities and Constraints Analyses
Environmental Documentation
Expert Witness Testimony
Legislative and Policy Analyses
Mitigation Monitoring Programs
Noise Analyses
Construction and Mitigation Monitoring
Permit Processing (404, 1600, Sec. 7)
Project Review and Processing Services
Proponent Environmental Assessments
Specific Plans
Sustainable Community Analyses
Transportation Corridor Analyses
Wastewater Analyses
Water Resources Management
Wind Energy Conservation Systems (WECS) Analyses
Analytical data interpretation and management
Dust, noise, and vibration monitoring
Excavation monitoring for stained soil, hydrocarbon odors, and contamination
Hazardous materials handling
Monitoring of underground utility construction
Soil sampling and laboratory analysis
Spill containment
Stockpile management of excavated soil that may be contaminated
Transport and disposal of contaminated soil
Archaeological Surveys, Testing, and Salvage
Architectural Historic Resources
Construction Monitoring
Cultural Resources Evaluations (Section 106)
Curation and Documentation
Field Surveys
Literature and Record Searches
Paleontological Surveys and Salvage
Native American consultation
Salvage of Fossils, Artifacts, and Eco-facts
Site Assessment Prior to Construction
Legally defensible air quality and climate change sections for CEQA and NEPA documents
Emission quantification using URBEMIS models for mobile, areas, and construction emissions
Emission inventories
Climate Action Plans
Dispersion modeling for carbon monoxide hotspots and toxic health risk assessments
Air quality mitigation strategies
Expert testimony, peer review, and consensus building Plant Material Specifications
General conformity analysis for Federally funded and Tribal projects